Thursday 31 March 2011

Woahh..That's it?

It's finally the last seminar for the YEAR. I can't believe this. Classes and lectures in England are literally DONE for the YEAR. That's all the lectures that I paid for and it doesn't feel value for money out of a Now all that's left is just dissertation and sitting for the exams. Woahh..seriously, what just happened? It felt as if I had just arrived in England yesterday. It really didn't feel like 23 weeks of classes have gone by. Anyways, my last seminar was evidence and evidently, the lecturer wasn't giving any hints on this one. There were 5 British girls in my seminar class and all 5 of them literally attempted to grind him and tried to squeeze some form of info from him. I thought for a moment that he was a witness being scrutinised by 5 lawyers ! There was some fierce questioning in motion and I just laughed in my head watching the fiasco. They were questioning him why family law and other subjects provide some tips on what kind of questions are coming out for each topic but nothing is given for evidence. In any case, he held his ground and just gave his Irish grin, stating that his hands are tied and he's not as nice as the other lecturers! Ishhh! That's so miserly :(

After class, I went back to have a rest before heading to the last Alpha session. There was a bit of a mix-up on the location, but in the end, I found out that it was at the Chaplaincy. Somehow, our last discussion ventured from just British churches to discussion on International Christians and then to the situation in Malaysia. One of the opinions given on the attitude of local Christians is that they are not inclined to make conversations because of the constant worry of "offending people" from a different background. It seems that the difficulty in forming fellowships extend also among their own circles. Hmmm..I guess its really a cultural thing and the response I get when speaking on such matters is that the local Christians are also remorseful once they are made aware of the way the typical Brit culture has become. I also gathered that local Brits who spend the year abroad also approach people differently in general.

Later on, it was Breathe social at the bowling center where the church apparently booked 9 lanes. My group had 8 people, so it took quite some time for us to finish our games. I went to the bar with some of them and we ended up engaging on a debate with someone on the table on where do Christians who commit suicide go. Well, in my view, salvation once given cannot be revoked. Anyways, it was quite a lengthy debate and the table started going on technicalities and discussing whether there's such thing as an unpardonable sin.

I spent the rest of the night rehearsing my guitar for CG.'s exactly one month to my dissertation's date due. Minus some days for the London and Paris trip at the end of April, I have less than 30 days. I'm sweating already..ahh.

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