Saturday 20 September 2008

CF Picnic!

The entire CF gang (about 30 of us) gathered at the bus-stop at around 8.30 am to wait for the bus. Lots of stuff to be carried there which included food, chairs, mats, a guitar, balls, frisbees..haha. Once we reached Seremban park, we found a suitable spot to place all our stuff and the view's absolutely beautiful with the fountain and the lake. We played a couple of starter games first before proceeding to makan.

Lol, some of us ended up using some of the sandwiches to feed the fishes in the lake. Those fishes are quite huge and they could swallow the chunks of bread in one gulp. After we had enough of the food, we have another set of games, this time more physical ones like dog and bone and captain's ball. Haha, I think all of us were baked thoroughly by the blazing sun. Esther was saying that she is no longer "little miss shanshine" (her msn nick) and is changed instead to "little miss very afraid of shanshine" And the funny thing was that the silly volleyball fell into the lake TWICE and we had to wait for like 20 minutes for the wind to push it to float to the opposite side. Anyways, I also took the opportunity to experiment with some photographic shots with my small digital camera. It was tiring and crazy but I enjoyed myself Hehe, it was also a great time to know more about a few of the CF members, both old and new, after chatting with them. :)

Bless me tomorrow Lord! Help me get the beats right. :)

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