Tuesday 16 September 2008

916 came and went

It's approximately 20 minutes to the end of 916. Nothing much happened today other than the fact that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced that more than 31 MPs would be crossing over. Of course, Pak Lah said, "prove it!" while Anwar replied that he prefers to keep the list secret until major actions could be undertaken so as to protect the identity of the MPs and prevent them from being harassed. Anwar also said that he would discuss with Pak Lah on a peaceful transition of power instead of radically snatching it away and it seems that he's willing to go beyond the date of 916 if Pak Lah needs the time..lol.

Another thing which equally rocked and shook the current government is the resignation of de facto Law Minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim. He's touted as the first BN minister resign for sticking to his principles and conscience. Pak Lah ask him to reconsider but Zaid says enough is enough. I think that it's a real gentleman thing for Zaid Ibrahim to do so. That's why he's known to be a highly respected lawyer. That's a man who truly deserves the respect of the rakyat. If the Pakatan Rakyat does really form, they should really appoint him as the Law Minister again.

There are two sides of the camps in viewing a rather quieter-than-anticipated 916. For those that are sitting on the fence, I think they expected more radical changes or at least more dramatic sequence of announcements. Anwar may lose some support from there as he looked to be conjuring a self-fulfilling prophecy rather than a reality. However, on the other side, if one strongly supports Anwar and his vision of Pakatan Rakyat, it doesn't really matter when the day is. The day will come sooner or later like an inevitable wave. What would be interesting though is how Anwar will carry on from 916 and how long will Pak Lah hold on to his position. I forsee a repeat story of Gorbachev in the last days of the Soviet Union.

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