Thursday 14 February 2008

The Pilihan Raya is on!

Happy Valentine's day but Malaysia's political scene is on the move on the eve. The Malaysian Parliament was dissolved on 13 February, much to the surprise and annoyance of some of the parties. On 13 Feb, theStar paper reported that Pak Lah would not be making the move. And right on the day itself, the PM dropped the shell after weeks of speculation. Uncle Lim was naturally quite pissed, citing that the Chinese New Year celebrations were not over yet.

It was announced today too that nomination day would be on 24 Feb with March 8 scheduled to be the election day. The hotspot for this election is reportedly to be in Penang. With all the controversies looming for the past 5 years, the ruling coalition would possibly face a fierce fight that could rival the 1999 elections. Well, it would be interesting to see the campaigning and the candidates that would be put up respectively by the different parties. Elections in Malaysia is certainly a vibrant affair compared over to its southern neighbour where their elections are quieter with many uncontested walkovers and no prizes to guess which is the dominating party. The only few possible highlights from their last election are like oppostion candidates that get screwed real bad over a piece of form.

With the information technology on the forefront, it's not that easy to hide dirty little secrets anymore. I'm curious to see if Malaysians would take as much action as what they had say.

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