Saturday, 7 May 2011

3rd place winning entry!

Earlier this year, I submitted an entry for the Leeds Uni Global Perspective Short Story Competition where I'm supposed to write a 3000 word short story based on the culture that I've grown up in. The first prize is £50, so I thought that I might as well give it a try for some extra cash in hand. It's not easy to squeeze in between time to finish up my dissertation and attempt to tap into my creative brain for fiction writing at the same time. But somehow, I managed to obtain sufficient inspiration to put out a masterpiece after viewing one of my friend's grandparents wedding anniversary video and drawing upon my own experiences with my grandfather. I would say it's my most mature piece up to date, a culmination of styles that I've experimented on during these few years and since the commended entries that I've written for the Commonwealth Essay Competition in 2005 and 2007. I liked this latest piece of work personally, and was rather pleased with my progress in fusing a variety of writing styles into a short piece. Another inspiration that I've gotten from is Tash Aw, although I have not read any of his works yet. It kinda spark an interest in me that perhaps I can consider venturing into the untapped market of Southeast Asian literature. Afterall, there's not many English fiction writers in the Southeast Asian domain.

I had a good feeling when I submitted it but it was quite some time before I heard some news about it. In between those times, I thought that I didn't win anything afterall. However, somewhere in early April, I've received an e-mail saying that I'm a finalist for the competition and there's an invitation to a prize-giving ceremony held at Blackwell bookstore. I'm delighted when I read that but at the same time I'm wary in not having overexpectations for it. The last time I'm told that I'm finalist (for a legal writing competition in Malaysia), I received a rather inconsequential prize in the end which is not proportionate to the amount of time and effort that I put in to go to the venue. So, I arrived at the Blackwell bookshop venue just on time before the announcements start and as each of the names of the finalists are read out, there will be a short description of what the essay is about and the judges' comment. Anyways, after all of them were read out, my name wasn't called out in any of them. For a moment, I thought - Ahhh, not again! And then the announcer proceeded on with reading the ACTUAL winners and starting from 3rd prize...that's me!

Woohooo! I was jumping up and down in my mind already as I walked out to receive my cert and prize which consist of a
£25 book voucher and one annual 2011 UK Writer's Handbook. I would say that I can't hide my wide grin as the announcer described the content of my work and the judges' feedback on it. According to the judges, my story although distinct in terms of cultural reference has a universal theme that permeates through it on generation gaps. I had a chat with one of the judges after the prize giving ceremony and he happens to be the chairperson of the Writer's Circle in Leeds. Well, he commented that he enjoyed reading my work and he found it to be a standard of high quality. Hahaha..of course by then my grin has grown as wide as the Cheshire cat's already. To be recognised by a fellow writer is one thing -but to be praised by somebody abroad and especially by a meticulous Brit is a double In any case, it looks like the years of studying law has not eroded my creativity all these years but has enhanced it. One thing that I observed at the prize-giving ceremony is that I'm the only Chinese and Southeast Asian in the venue. It does look like I'm the only one among them who had the penchant to engage in this type of things in the uni and parachuting in some strange events in the end! I took the opportunity to gulp down some free wine offered at the reception before heading off to library, containing the little victorious cheer that I have within myself. I had planned to study at least 1hr in the library before going for cell group but it seems that I have trouble concentrating in the end because of the excitement that is swirling within me..haha!

I'm really thankful to God for this gift that he has entrusted on me. This episode has confirmed yet again of the writing potential within me and I'm very encouraged by it. Thank you thank you dear Lord! The timing couldn't be much better and it's an excellent morale boost that I need for the exam revisions.

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