Sunday, 21 March 2010

Vocal workshop

We had a vocals training workshop throughout the weekend at church and since I'm the drummer both for the workshop and Sunday service, I stayed overnight at Pastor Vic's house together with the rest. In the morning, I was half-asleep because Friday night was a movie night out at Seremban to watch Alice in Wonderland. I nearly woke up late to fetch people in the morning but we did make it on time to be in church for the Saturday practice. After practice on Saturday, we proceeded on for a lunch at a restaurant at Banting main town where Sister Helen gave a treat for the March babies (Grace, Gerald and Pastor Vic). It was a scrumptious meal and all of us ate till we are extremely full. Lol, we were joking in that nobody should jump around during vocals training lest all the contents of the belly are expelled. Hamster Lerdie drove us back from the restaurant back to church and Alvin Tan fell into a state of nausea after the ride..haha.

We had fun during the games during vocals training and we had some good food again during dinner where we ate at the church itself. The session finished quite early at around 8.30pm and afterthat, a bunch of us went to McD to grab something to bite. We took the opportunity to head for this pesta at Banting which was happening just right beside Macs. That pesta looks pretty similar to the annual one that was held in Sungai Dua, Penang. Lol..we took the opportunity to snap some whacky photos at one shop that sell shades. We reached Pastor Vic's house at about 11.45pm. I used Maddie's laptop to log in to Facebook to settle my daily business there and afterthat, I just crashed to bed and slept almost immediately till the next morning.

We had bak kut teh for breakfast in the morning. While I was preparing to go out, I heard a familiar tune from Sesame Street. Well, I thought that the two chipmunks are playing it at the house piano so early in the morning. However, to my angstly 'horror', I realised that it was coming from phone in my pocket! was the iBan alright, trying to initiate some form of 'payback'! Service was a video message this time. Pastor Vic brought up an interesting point of reflection where he pointed out that the deficiencies in one's family can be nullified and made perfect by the family of God. Sometimes, the reason why God may place a person in a deficient family is so that he can be a testimony to the others.

Anyways, on the way back to campus, Hamster Lerdie got a second try to drive back and since it's a longer journey, the endless patter of orisons can be heard resonating throughout the But she managed to do it it well and brought us back to campus safely, with one exception for a panic moment where she accidentally shifted from gear 4 to gear 3 to hear the roar of the engines. =p

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