Saturday, 6 February 2010

Seek ye first the kingdom of God

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

I can't stay silent. I've had enough. I'm sick and tired of seeing people who call themselves Christians but they do not give the proper reverence or respect to God at all. They come as they like and they find God only when they are in trouble. They are indecisive when they come their beliefs and refuse to stampmark the cross in their life. How many of them are genuinely convicted in their hearts to shamelessly proclaim that they are Christians? How many of them have the courage to take up the banner of servanthood, to serve others selflessly and not to keep going back about thinking to make their own flesh comfortable? How many of them can put down the great pride that is found in "I"?

They call themselves Christians but they do not live up to their title. Some of them are still spiritual babies, refusing to grow up and expect themselves to be spoonfed and nannied all the time. They rather keep their hands clean, refusing to get down dirty when it matters most and they remain passive and unmoved when the Lord calls them to step up. They remain shy away, preferring to keep the candle and the light that God has provided under the bed, away from the eyes of the others. They prefer to be Sunday church goers but any other day is regarded to be too cumbersome to think about God. They love to stay stagnant in one area, refusing to move out of their comfort zones.

It boils down to attitude check. It's commitment and discipline. These two words seem to be mountains for some people who can say that they are Christians. It's not that you have to throw away everything and forget about them once you embark on the road with Christ. Instead, Christ asks us to seek Him first, and everything else, be it studies, finance or relationships will be provided by Him. They come automatically - Getting your life right with God ensures everything else falls into place. Seriously, the university/college time is the time when you make it or break it with your Christian life. The sad thing is that most Christians usually backslide during their university life. If you can't find time for God during your university life, you'll never find time for God when you're working. Stress, exams, tests and assignments are all part and parcel of university life and you can never take them out of the equation. It's not a good excuse. Everyone of us face the same equation eventhough they come in different forms. It's up to each individual of us to make time and find time for God. How persistent are you in searching time for God? I can't understand how some people can find time to play, lepak, shopping and do other things but they can't dedicate and invest their time for God. It's not about being religious. It's honouring the relationship that you have with God. If you say that you love the Lord, show it like you mean it. This honouring of relationship will also be reflected on how you honour your relationship with your spouses and family members in the future too.

Then there are the worst kinds. Those that take a dagger to stab the back of their fellow brothers/sisters or slit their throats with the most insidious of all character assassinations. Whatever bitterness that they have, they pile onto the others, as if everyone else is responsible for the misery that they are feeling. Come on! Everyone else has problems too, do not use your fellow brothers/sisters as the scapegoat or pillow to justify your misery or the problems that you have in your life. Instead, get yourself in line and set your hearts right before the Lord. Have an attitude check. Get that malicious spirit of spitefulness out of the way so that you can be a blessing to your fellow brothers/sisters instead of being a bane to them. The problem with some is that they are so preoccupied in finding faults with their fellow brothers/sisters that they are burning the bridges instead of building them. So preoccupied are they in complaining that they lost focus in their relationship with Christ.

Wake up! Wake up from your slumber of laziness, indecisiveness and spitefulness! Wake up! As Proverbs 1:7 sums it nicely "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline" Fear in this verse is not the negative sense of being terrified but knowing your place and have a firm respect for who God is. There must be a realisation of humbleness before learning can take place. Disrespecting the leadership, institutions and authorities that God has placed over in our lives is similar to disrespecting Him. Never ever take God's grace for granted. Your priorities in life and how you respond to God's call shows how much of reverence you have for Him. You cannot say you respect God when you don't give two hoots about the commitments that you have promised Him. Having that "tidak apa" attitude makes you no difference from the average guy on the street who has no knowledge of the Lord. Again, for those that call themselves Christians, how central is God in the foundation of your life? Please don't pick up the cross if you're not ready to commit yourself into a relationship with God and have the discipline to maintain your commitments to Him.

I anticipate plenty of flames coming along my way after this post but I can no longer keep quiet about it. Please wake up and have a backbone for what you believe in. For me, I choose to stand my ground right now on this very rock of Christ.


Jonathan low said...

Haha. Finally. About time too this post.

athens said...

love is patient.....well love is to rebuke too..haha....^^

Maddie said...

ah. thank you, stan. =]

shall save this for times when i feel like i cant carry the cross anymore.