Thursday, 19 November 2009

Jalan Duta High Court

Last Monday's visit to the High Court was interesting. I drove my boss and his clients to the KL high court at Jalan Duta and when we reached there, there was no parking spaces to be seen. The whole place including the parking lots are all swarmed with cars already. People, ermm..I mean lawyers are even parking illegally outside along the roads coz there's simply no place to put their vehicles. The narrowness of the path leading upwards to the High Court saw many of them resorting to parking up the curb to prevent their vehicles from blocking the way.

Well, the Jalan Duta High Court Complex is a rather impressive sight. It looks like a miniature version of the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya..haha. The insides look very high-tech and we proceeded straight to the civil courts family section. When we entered the court, it was already filled up to the brim, with all the seats in the public gallery taken up and the counsel area is filled with lawyers representing their client. I helped my boss to fill up the court form and then I went forward to pass the form to the court secretariat sitting there. This is the funny part. The clients actually filled up some extra stuff at the form that were not necessary and so the court secretariat just crossed it out. And then she asked me if I'm the lawyer for the It must have been the black coat and white shirt that I'm wearing and it's hard to differentiate since that's the dress code that only lawyers will wear. I gave a sheepish grin and replied that I'm just handing up the form for my boss..haha.

It took some time before the judge appeared at her seat. Before she enters, the light above the door behind the judge's chair will start lighting up red. So, 1 by 1 the applicants moved forward to present their case and yea, most of them were done within 5 minutes. Sounds quite familiar to my experience when I was younger. My boss also took 5 minutes to present his case since it's quite a straightforward with clear mutual agreement and no disputes. I got to explore more around the court when I went to return my boss' robes at the 5th floor. The 5th floor is where all the criminal cases are tried and the business sector courts were also there. Apparently, there's a cozy room for lawyers to chill out after or before their cases and there's free wi-fi there..haha. While zooming around KL, I've also managed to find out that Grace's place is actually quite near to Mid-Valley, Bangsar and UM. That's great because that means I can easily go to UM if I wanna make any research.

It's quite an experience moving around the court complex. There's this feeling of grandeur and intimidating aura that surrounds the place. Anyways, there's more to come next week and I'll probably get to have a look at the Shah Alam high court too :)

On another random point, I found out that Muse is coming to Southeast Asia - Singapore to be exact but they're NOT coming to KL like what they did in 2007..Noooooooooo! Matt, please do consider coming to KL!!

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