I was happily editing my magazine content yesterday night when I spotted a few ants running around on the top of my table. I've seen these pesky pests running about for quite some time and I thought that they originated from some hole. I usually won't bother them since they may just be passing through. For the past 3 weeks or so, I've noticed that there have been more frequencies and a steady stream of them too but I can't seem to pinpoint where they were going with their load until yesterday.
At one split second, I saw an ant creeping into my "Band of Brothers" DVD box set. It's the linear opening at the spine of the DVD container to be precise. After that, a few more ants followed their comrade into the opening. At that point of time, it dawned upon me that that could be their base of operations all the while! To be really sure, I grab that whole box of DVD collection (3 of them) and took them outside to my door and prepared myself to "blast" open the disc box. With tissues equipped, I pried open and to my revulsion and disgust, I was right and there was literally an ant colony in my DVD box! There were eggs everywhere, on the case itself and for that matter, even on the discs! It looked like some darn Zerg colony. The whole case was infested with worker ants and I saw about 3 Queen Ants probably getting ready to lay even more eggs. That was sickening. I never knew a DVD case box could be classified as a viable habitat for ants too..lol.
First things first is to rescue the two discs from the box. I yanked out the discs, cleared the surface of all the crawling ants and then proceeded on in wiping the discs clean of any egg remnants that might be there. As I wipe the disc, I noticed that there were lots of stains and it was not that easy to wipe them clean. I gather that those stains were the squashed remnants of ant acid, larvae and egg sacs together. I will definitely be annoyed if my discs were spoiled because some ant decided to spray its acid or eggs all over the place. After clearing my discs, I took the container box to the toilet, opened the floodgates from the tap and drowned the entire colony with water while scrubbing it clean. On that day, all the death cries were mixed together as the little lives were snuffed out with the splashing sound of water. However, those ants are real survival because even after rinsing them in water, some of them are still clinging on to the box. At the end of the drowning sequence, the small carcasses of those six-legged creatures, eggs and larva were floating in a derelict mess. They'll never know that their hidden base was annihilated totally because one of their ants made a mistake and gave away their secret position. =p
I checked the other two DVD containers and also the other discs and thankfully, none of them were affected with ant migration. Anyways, all those purging wasted a lot of my time and I could have finished quite a portion of my magazine content if not for this untimely interruption and pirate cry to raid and pillage a colony.
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