Sunday, 10 May 2009

Mother's Day

Last weekend round was different from the rest for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it's Mother's Day weekend and secondly, because Mama and my brother made a trip to Nilai to meet up with me! Haha...they were supposed to be here on Saturday afternoon but some delays caused them to arrive only on Saturday night. They stayed over at a Nilai hotel over the night and I fetched them to GFS Banting on the next morning. It's such an appropriate Sunday for them to come since it's Mother's Day and a rare opportunity for us to gather together after so long. Anyways, Mama has been very eager to pay a visit to GFS to have a look on how the place is.

All the mothers had special treatment at Sunday service in church. Lol, they get to sit at special chairs and afterthat we had a session to honour all the mothers in church where all the children gather around them to bless them in prayer. After service, we had a scrumptuous lunch, a bigger than usual one. We brought in tables so that the mothers can all eat comfortably..haha. Mama mingled with the mothers in GFS while I introduced my brother to all the Inti folks and GFS kids. Lol, all of them thought that Charlie was the older one! Ahhh..classic lar..last time some of our relatives also thought the same. Anyways, Mama discovered something interesting while mingling. It's one of those "small world" Apparently, Sister Helen is actually from Taiping too, goes to the exact same Convent school as Mama and also at the same batch! Their classes were only a few rooms away. Haha..this is not the only time that she met her same batch schoolmates. For some funny fate reasoning, she ended up with same batch schoolmates at her cell group. It's almost as if Taiping convent girls are littering all over the place..haha. It's already quite rare to find schoolmates, but to find one that is from the same year batch! What are the odds seriously? Since Hosanna and Sam's mom is a teacher too, Mama had a lot in common to converse with her too.

After service, I drove Mama and Charlie to Kapar, Klang to visit my grandmother who is staying with my aunt. I asked for some directions from Uncle Boon and I'm kinda surprise how easy it was to get to Kapar from Banting. It's just going straight all the way and following the Banting-Klang highway. It took about 2 hrs to get there with all the jams at central Klang. I was not sure where to turn and so, my uncle came out to meet us before leading me back to their house. We had a short time to rest and showers before heading off to Jusco to have a meal. Hehe, it's a Taiwanese restaurant and the bubble tea was one of the biggest I've seen a place serve. My fried udon with chicken chop taste pretty good..haha. Since Mama and Charlie needs to catch the evening bus at Seremban, we don't really have lots of time to lepak around. It's a short time of meeting with my aunt and grandmother but I guess it meant a lot to them, especially my grandmother. The returning trip was way shorter since we took the KLIA highway instead..haha. I dropped Mama and Charlie at Nilai KTM and then I headed back to Inti to join the ICF folks for dinner. Woah, it feels like I'm driving forever today. I think I easily clock 3hrs to 4hrs of driving

For this Mother's Day, I really wanna thank Mama for all the stuff and sacrifices that she had made. Thank you for all the unconditional love that you've provided. God bless you on this very special day :)

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