Friday, 10 October 2008

One thesis down, one to go

Finally handed up my constitutional law thesis paper today. Whew! Felt relieved after completing and making sure that I follow the protocols and stuff to submit. That's not the end though. I still have contract law to hand up. Thankfully, my lecturer graciously extended the dateline from next Friday to next next Monday. That time extension is definitely welcoming especially with such a busy schedule coming up. Instead of reducing burdens as mid-sessionals exams arrive, I seem to have an amplifying amount of stuff to handle.

I have to attend the the GFS worship practice tomorrow since I'll be playing drums for Sunday service. Ackkk...the fast songs are not easy at all. It's "The time has come" and "What the world will never take". The former is the more challenging of the two as there are lots of those splish splash non-constant beats around while the latter consists of constant two-handed high hats for verses. Lol, I'm even referring to Youtube videos for some guidelines while practicing using air drumming. Darn, I couldn't find the time to book the music room! Hmm..I'm in a dilemma now on whether to practice my two handed high-hats or read up to get the contents for my contract law thesis..haha

Then next Wednesday, my cell group is tasked to organise the farewell meeting for those CF members that are leaving. Lots of stuff need to prepare. On Thursday, my criminal law lecturer wants us to finish writing the answers to two past year questions on murder/manslaughter. to finish all sia....Well, looks like I'll have reduced slumber time for another week..hehe..

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