Wednesday, 23 April 2008

One week to Uni

Exactly one week from now would be the enrollment day for my university life. It's gonna be a whole new ball game and Stan is reincorporating back into Malaysian education after 8 years or so. There would be of course some butterflies in the stomach just as when I first entered the Southern system but I hope everything turns out well at orientation next

I managed to purchase a few stuff from my Singapore trip. After saving for a few years and waiting for the right time, I finally got a digital camera for my own! I scouted a few models and after contemplating for a long time, I decided to get the Nikon S600 since it fits in with the criteria that I'm looking for. Other than that, I got a couple of well-known fiction/literature books from Kinokuniya to read, thought-provoking ones to be precise. I drew up a list of those books after researching about them in the net. After looking around Kino and seeing the prices, I thought I had brought enough money only to get 2 books. And some of these are well-known classics but apparently, Kino don't sell the cheapo Penguin book versions like Popular. One common classics can come in between S$18 to s$23 depending on the version. When I got back home, I got really annoyed when I found out that I had actually had another S$50 in one of the angpaos.

Great news too for me when I got news from Mrs. Teo (one of my former Literature teachers) that my Commonwealth Essay Commended Certificate had finally reached the college. I thought that it would reach by the time I collect my A Levels result but there was no news of it. It was supposed to be sent last year but I think somewhere along the way from Britain to Southeast Asia, the cert just got bungled up and never reached its destination. I sent an e-mail to the organising committee but it took sometime for me to get a reply from them. Nevertheless, they rectify the problem and another one was sent quickly. Interesting to note that I've entered the competition twice and both years are at a time when I'm in the last years of a school. And both times I managed to score the Commended Award I would have joined this year's one too but I don't have a school to attach to at the beginning of the year. Well, at least I can declare that I ended the career with a win, just like Peter Schmeichel..haha.

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