Friday, 21 December 2007

Singapore Christmas

I'm back at Singapore for the moment to clear some of my things and settle some stuff. I reached this morning at about 7 am or so. Today's queue at the immigration quite long...haha. I got lots of old people complaining about the slowness of the immigration officers. Well, for the past few years, coming back to Singapore slightly before Christmas meant that school is starting soon and I have to get ready for the dreaded 2nd or 3rd January. But not this time! I'm a free man now and I can slack as much as I want during this Christmas. There are no obligations, no homeworks and no pesky tests to study for!On the other hand, I definitely had a big task ahead in packing and selecting the stuff in my room that I want to bring back to Malaysia.

Oh, my trip back to Taiping this time is rather fruitful, with Astro, telephone and internet being set up already at my grandfather's house. Haha, at least I'm still in touch with the globalized world during my time there. On deciding when to go back, I think I'll pick a date just right after 1st Jan or so to avoid the crowd. Right now, time to plan for the transportation of my

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